So, I have been planning for this and stressing that it wouldn't come out the way I pictured in my head, but it turned out better. yeahhhhhh.
So, of course Bedie took the pictures of us before we left Arizona. We took them at the Mesa temple as a way to have great reminder of Arizona. When taking them I had an idea of how I wanted them on my wall. I knew I wanted them to be big, Some up close shots of the kids and some fun poses. I knew I wanted to use this frame that was 20 by 9 which is a bit weird. I thought it would be perfect for an up close picture of our feet. Bedie was great she took some of my suggestions and then worked some of her own magic and when we got them I was soooooo pleased. They all came out A-MA-ZING. I couldn't wait to get them up on my wall. Of course I had to wait till I moved up to Utah.
First. I researched frames and made a rough plan on paper. I went with the Ribba frames from Ikea. They come in a lot of fun sizes, all look uniform and are pretty cheap. Plus if you know me you know how much I love Ikea. So, I went to my favorite store and picked them up. I went with the black finish. I almost went with the new silver finish but it didn't come in all the sizes I was thinking of using in silver.
Second. I came home and made templates of the frames with wrapping paper, so I could easily work out the pattern on the wall without putting holes in the wall. I am renting this beautiful home.
Third. Came printing the pictures. Well of course Ikea picture frames are weird sizes, those Swedes are silly. I looked at a couple of places comparing price and print sizes. I went with Costco, their price was great, they print in an hour and after picking them up I was so happy with them. The quality was so good.
I was worried about how a few would come out, for example that 20 by 9 frame, I had to print a 20 by 16 photo and cut it down. I was worried it but in the end it looks great. Here is the 20 by 20 frame that I had to cut out of a 20 by 30 picture... love it.
Forth. Then came hanging. Like I said I'm renting, so I used the 3M Command picture frame strips. I can't tell you how much I love these things. So great for not damaging walls and for pictures they are even better cause the picture stays level. But big note I did used nails for the 20 by 20 frame due to the frame being to front heavy and having a thin frame.
Also, with this move I have been trying to work with things I have from our Arizona house. I have been so please with the challenge and the way everything has been coming together. For this project I re-purposed our Fisher sign I made out of an old cabinet door and some vinyl lettering. Our blue "All because two people fell in love" sign also worked so perfect with us all wearing blue in our pictures.
Thanks for stopping
by I would love to see your picture wall and don't forget to leave a comment.
Have fun creating your showcase.